A typical Sunday has 140 words and today we have but 124, with only 12 threes.

Oh yes, lots of white space in this gorgeous grid design. The Sundees were for punnin' and funnin'.Īh, but I was so much older then. Still thinking on the theme.I'd be okay with none because I enjoyed the solve, but part of me wants that old-timey feel I used to get as a beginner solver.
Why do we acknowledge the existence of MCRIBS? I'm semi-convinced that if we ignore them and crawl on the floor below the windows they will give up and go away. Lots of long words, lots of medium words, lots of short words. This was fun - even the entries that were strange to me (Hiya, NOWISE). Let's go with "no theme", shall we? For now. Or there is, but I'm too dense to grok it. I wouldn't put it past Sid Sivakumar to do something dastardly.this is one possibility. Was able to tough my way through, but then.theme? Is there a theme? Saw that sea of white and thought "yikes!" If you want to do a really, really good themeless puzzle, just go back and do yesterday's puzzle again. I don't really know what to do with this. Wish the puzzle had had the decency to be outright bad at least then I'd've had something to write about. 'Ugly Betty'?" My butcher sold RED MEAT before he sold RAW MEAT (69D: Butcher's offering), and I exclaimed "NO DICE!" before " NOWISE" ( 77A: Not at all). I had no idea " MAD MEN" caused a surge in the name "Betty" ( 36D: Drama linked to the resurgence of the name "Betty" for baby girls). Pretty sure I made that exact mistake the *last* time ARECIBO was in the grid. I have also never eaten MCRIBS, but I'm glad I know they exist, as I had ARECITO for the Puerto Rican telescope. Are FISH SCALEs tough? I confess I've never tried to eat them, as I am not a bear. Diane AIRBUS, is that something? Can you make a theme out of that "punny" answer? Someone please try. Yesterday's puzzle + today's puzzle have me wondering. No reason the clue should've been removed.

Sorry to bum you out, but I just thought I'd acknowledge what thousands of solvers would've been thinking when they hit SICKO today (20D: "_ Mode" (2018 #1 hit for Travis Scott)). Today, more bad timing, as Travis Scott appears in the puzzle just days after eight people died and dozens were injured during his performance at the Astroworld music festival in Houston. Last week the puzzle had some bad timing with an Alec Baldwin clue appearing right after the horrible on-set prop gun tragedy. I really wish the NYTXW would stop with the Sunday themelesses, but I *really* wish that they'd stop with the tepid Sunday themelesses. It's just that there's So Much in the "meh" column. There's not a lot in the minus column, honestly. I guess ELIMINATION DIET is probably not about dieting so much as it is about figuring out what food specifically your body might be allergic or otherwise reacting badly to, so. The answers that are closest to special (in the sense of "most original")- VAPE SHOPS, ELIMINATION DIET-are things I don't think are that great, i.e. I can't tell if it's super-current or super-dated, but I'm pretty sure it's one of those things. ACTS THE GOAT is something I've never heard ( 34D: Behaves like a fool, informally). I have next to nothing to say about this puzzle. It's all fine, just fine, but it's 21x21 and you don't have any thematic restrictions, so if you can't get to "fine" under those conditions, you're really in trouble. How do you have this many long answers and yet still not come up with one truly winning marquee answer? Smh. In front of each clue we have added its number and position on the crossword puzzle for easier navigation.Themeless Sundays are always a cop-out, and this one is a boring cop-out at that. If you are done solving this clue take a look below to the other clues found on today's puzzle in case you may need help with any of them. This clue was last seen on NYTimes FebruPuzzle. Two or more clue answers mean that the clue has appeared multiple times throughout the years.ĪTOMIC CLOCK TIMEKEEPER Nytimes Crossword Clue Answer Both the main and the mini crosswords are published daily and published all the solutions of those puzzles for you. The NYTimes Crossword is a classic crossword puzzle. Atomic clock timekeeper Crossword Clue NYT.