Recipes using shredded chicken breast
Recipes using shredded chicken breast

recipes using shredded chicken breast

We’re talking chicken salad sandwiches, cozy soups and stews, creamy pastas, fiery noodle bowls, refreshing salads, all-in-one casseroles and pies, and more. When you take plain poultry, cook it till tender, and pull it apart with two forks, it somehow takes on the ability to fit right into any dish. Sounds ridiculous, but you kind of get it. Shredded chicken is really like the tofu of the…chicken world. Either way, you’ve come to the right place. Are there going to be meat and egg and dairy suggestions among the vegan recipes and in the comments to remind us vegans that we don’t belong in this world? I think that many of us feel like something was taken away – a safe place where other people like us gathered.Frantically googling “shredded chicken recipes”? Either you’ve got some leftover rotisserie in the fridge that needs using up, or you’ve just got a craving for poultry with a very specific texture. Where do we turn to now? Not just for recipes (yes, we’ve heard your suggestions to go and then click twice – not something you can bookmark, though), but for community. This is all in reflection on the recent non-vegan recipes and the comments from vegans who are understandably sad and angry. I don’t think there had been a comparable place online and MB is still listed in many places as the best place for vegan recipes. For many years, MB was a safe haven of delicious, vegan recipes. I spend so much of my life among people who don’t understand me and reinforce the feeling that I don’t belong. I am a vegan and an outsider in many other respects – a non-male in a male-dominated field, a cyclist in a car-dominated world, a radical in a centrist country. I pray for health and complete wellness for you and your family! I didn’t mean to write so much but all this is to say that I was so confused when I saw a chicken recipe at first, but I have so much respect for you for being willing to leave an ideology (even if you agree with it at heart, like I do!) Because you know it isn’t serving you and may be harming you! It was so hard for me to accept this change at first in myself, and regardless of your health journey and where that leads you with you, I applaud you for being open and honest with your followers. I truly feel better than ever and have zero of the symptoms I use to have. But anyway, I personally stopped being vegetarian and vegan almost two years ago now because my health was suffering, severe IBS, malabsorption, very painful bloating no matter what I took (everything from digestive enzymes and papaya extract to gas-x!) I’ve continued to use and love your recipes and I still eat very clean and plant-based, just with the addition of meat and eggs. I have discovered I cannot have dairy or cheese, but grass-fed ghee seems to do well with me. I was vegetarian for 8 years and vegan off and on, for about 1.5 years at the longest stretch. Wow! I have been following your blog for a few years now but never commented.

recipes using shredded chicken breast

My only complaint is that it’s nigh impossible to shred the chicken to a uniform size after cooking, but hey – if you want slow-cooker carnitas, make carnitas! This recipe fed two hungry foodie adults dinner (two rice bowls as specified) and then tacos (three each) for lunch the next day, with some left over! Could easily be stretched even further. If you are tempted to do the same, DON’T – just don’t. After shredding the chicken it smelled so good, I almost omitted the chili adobo. After cooking, I added the rest of the ingredients right into the pan, which wasn’t too greasy, and in fact needed the extra juice, so DO NOT DRAIN – however, I did trim the excess fat before seasoning. Don’t be tempted to skimp on the chili powder like I was, the spice proportions are perfect as-is. Ah man, what a FANTASTIC weeknight dinner! I used chicken thighs and, due to the shape of the thigh-cut, found it easier to just dump them in a bowl to mix ’em up with the seasoning till evenly coated.

Recipes using shredded chicken breast